(262) 223-3400 [email protected]

Additional Services

Aeration & Overseed

Aerating your lawn is one of the best things you can do. Aeration includes pulling 2”-3” cores of soil from the turf in the spring and fall. This allows sunlight, water, vital nutrients, and fertilizer to penetrate deep into the soil and roots of the turf. Aeration also prevents soil compaction and allows the roots to grow deeper and stronger into the soil. Overseeding can also be completed with turf aeration. This includes using a broadcast spreader to spread a high-quality premium grass seed over the existing turf. This is great for filling in sparse areas of your lawn or rejuvenating your lawn after a harsh Wisconsin winter.

Landscape Bed Maintenance

One of the most tedious and time-consuming activities as a home or business owner is pulling unsightly weeds. Landscape bed maintenance is often completed with our weekly lawn service. Landscape Bed Maintenance includes treating the beds with a granular herbicide that prevents future weeds from germinating. Crews also hand pull weeds and use a liquid herbicide to treat weeds throughout the growing season to make sure your landscape beds look as nice as your lawn.

Shrub Trimming and Shaping

Maintaining happy and healthy shrubs on your property begins with trimming them to the proper shape and size at the right time of year. Our shrub trimming service includes trimming the shrubs twice per growing season. Once in the spring before shrubs begin to flower and once in the early summer to provide a manicured appearance. Not sure what type of shrub you have or when it should be trimmed? Let our team of professionals maintain your shrubs to keep them happy and healthy year-round.